
  Reddit論壇上DeftonesBandPSN用戶泄露了疑似《只狼:影逝二度》的PS4版獎杯列表,從下圖可以望出,游戲總計有34個獎杯,個中包含有18個銅杯、11個銀杯、4個金杯以及1個白金杯。而從獎杯描寫來望,《只狼 影逝二度》有4個終局、11個BOSS。除了B百家樂大路OSS獎杯外,還有一系列忍術、義肢等外容的相關獎杯。(后附具體獎杯列表)

《只狼:影逝二度》獎杯列表曝光 四個結局待你挑戰

《只狼:影逝二度》獎杯列表曝光 四個結局待你挑戰

《只狼:影逝二度》獎杯列表曝光 四個結局待你挑戰

《只狼:影逝二度》獎杯列表曝光 四個結局待你挑戰

《只狼:影逝二度》獎杯列表曝光 四個結局待你挑戰

  白金Platinum – Sekiro – All trophies have been unlocked 取得一切獎杯

  金杯Man Without Equal – Defeated all bosses 擊敗一切BOSS

  Ashina Traveler – Traveled to all areas of the game 踏遍游戲一切地區

  Master of the Prosthetic – Upgraded all Prosthetic Tools to their limit jiang 將一切義肢對象升至頂級

  Height of Technique – Acquired all skills 取得一切技巧

  銀杯All Prosthetic Tools – Acquired all Prosthetic Tools 獲得一切義肢對象

  All Ninjutsu Techniques – Acquired all Ninjutsu Techniques 學會一切忍術

  Peak Phys線上百家樂百家樂ical Strength – Upgraded Vitality and Posture to their limit 將血量以及精神升至頂級

  Ultimate Healing Gourd – Fully upgraded the “大眾Healing Gourd公眾 將“治愈葫蘆”升至頂級

  Immortal Severance – Attained the “大眾Immortal Severance”大眾 ending 實現“長生的拒卻”終局

  Purification – Attained the 公眾Purification公眾 ending 實現“ 凈化”終局

  Dragon’s Homecoming – Attained the 公眾Return”大眾 ending 實現“歸回”終局

  Shura – Attained the “大眾Shura公眾 ending 實現“修羅”終局

  Sword Saint, Isshin Ashina – Defeated 公眾Sword Saint Isshin Ashina公眾 擊敗“劍圣 蘆名同心專心”

  Master of the Arts – Grasped the inner mysteries of any combat style 把握一切戰斗氣概的戰斗奧妙

  Lazuline Upgrade – Used Lapis Lazuli to upgrade any tool to its limit 使用青金石將恣意對象升至頂級

  銅杯Revered Blade – Received the 公眾Kusabimaru”大眾 from Kuro 從庫羅處取得“不逝世斬”

  Shinobi Prosthetic – Acquired the Shinobi Prosthetic 取得忍者義肢

  Memorial Mob – Encountered the Memorial Mob 遭受追悼暴平易近

  Resurrection – Returned from the dead using 公眾Resurrection公眾 for the first time 第一次從逝世亡中“復生”

  Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa – Defeated “大眾Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa”大眾 擊敗“奧庭刑部”

  The Phantom Lady Butterfly – Defeated “大眾Lady Butterfly公眾 擊敗“蝴蝶密斯”

  Genichiro Ashina – Defeated “大眾Genichiro Ashina”大眾 擊敗“蘆名源一郎”

  Guardian Ape – Defeated the 公眾Guardian Ape公眾 擊敗“保衛猿”

  Guardian Ape Immortality Severed – Used the Mortal Blade to sever the Guardian Ape’s undying 使用兵器斬破保衛猿的不逝世身

  Folding Screen Monkeys – Caught the Folding Screen Monkeys 捉住屏風山公

  Great Shinobi – Ow百家樂 線上l – Defeated 公眾Great Shinobi – Owl”大眾 擊敗“梟”

  Father Surpassed – Defeated “大眾Great Shinobi – Owl公眾 at the Hirata Estate 在平田莊擊敗“梟”

  Corrupted Monk – Defeated the “大眾Corrupted Monk”大眾 擊敗“破戒僧”

  Gracious Gift of Tears – Defeated the “大眾Divine Dragon”大眾 and obtained the 公眾Divine Dragon’s Tears”大眾 擊敗“圣龍”并取得“圣龍之淚”

  Isshin Ashina – Defeated “大眾Isshin Ashina公眾 擊敗“蘆名同心專心”

  Demon of Hatred – Defeated the “大眾Demon of Hatred”大眾 擊敗“憎恨惡魔”

  Great Serpent – Defeated the 公眾Great Serpent”大眾 擊敗“大蛇”

  Great Colored Car – Defeated the “大眾Great Colored Carp公眾 擊敗“大錦鯉”

  • 捕魚機
  • 炫海娛樂城
  • 百家樂算牌
  • 金合發娛樂城
  • Q8娛樂城
  • 娛樂城
  • 贏家娛樂城
  • 線上老虎機
  • 娛樂城推薦
  • 財神娛樂城
  • 玩運彩投注